Monday, June 22, 2009

Presenting, for the very first time; C on BB!!!!!

Thank you TRS for this most thoughtful invitation (and to anyone else who may have inspired it). I am must flattered, and feel as if I have been accepted amongst all the cool bloggers as part of the "inner-circle". OK, just kidding, but it is nice to be here.

I would introduce myself, but that would just be boring, plus it's customary to be introduced by someone else (which can be done in the comments). Anyhow, mostly I am welcoming myself to this here bloggaroo (which is apparently a word) and to Israel. Not because you care, but because I can't sleep and I'm bored and no one else is awake.

Anyhow.... I think I've just about bored myself to sleep here... so may be heading back upstairs soon. Just wanna say hi, and thanks for the invite.

And wishing you all a wonderful summer! Here's hoping the sun shines soon wherever you are...



Just like a guy said...

It would look better if there were another name right before the C...

bonne said...

Welcome to the Olive Garden, when your here, you're family....until the bill comes.

e said...

The sun ain't shining here. We're having non-stop rain. Enjoy the holy Land

C said...

TRS-Ya, whatever.

Sara-:) LOL. Seriously, I chuckled.

e-that sucks :(. We have a heat wave now. I'm trying to enjoy, but that's easier said than done.

Just like a guy said...

I was trying to be nice.

C said...

The effort is appreciated.

le7 said...

TRS- I still don't understand the comment.

Just like a guy said...

If it was (some bochur's name)+C...